Eight o clock in the evening, the phone is ringing.
It hasn't rang all day.
I walk towards the phone and calculate the day, oh it is Wednesday.
I know it is my niece wanting help with homework.
I look at the caller ID, yup I'm right. I pick up the phone and say:
Me...The teacher is not in...
Niece...silence...Aunt Heather?
Me...I bust out laughing
Niece...more silence
Me...I ask "Didn't you find that funny?"
Niece...NOO (matter of factly)
Me...Don't you have a sense of humor?
Niece...Yes (again with the same tone)
Me...Then why aren't you laughing?
Niece...I need the teacher to be in!
Me...Oh, so you DON'T have a sense of humor!
Niece...(frustrated and yelling) I DO SO HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR, BUT I USED IT ALL UP AT SCHOOL!!!
Aunt Heather is ROTFLMAO!!!!
I guess she has a limited supply!
Wow! Who knew that stuff was in such short supply?! Something must be done about this!!!
That's too funny!
Spot...such a limited supply, maybe she should pace herself. LOL
Oh! Sounds like she was DONE. As in, she'd probably already been at it for a while and she just wanted it OVER.
I can relate!
Aunt Heather you are a little MEAN ONE.
You just had to put this on your daily blog.
Anyways the blog was funny.
Kathryn...I can also relate. Sometimes I just don't feel like laughing.
Miss Hannah Boo...I'm not being mean. Your just too funny and don't even know it. Remember your the laughter QUEEN and I am your humble sevant. I bow to you!! LOL!!
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