Yesterday was a bad day for Taco, he was getting hurt left and right all day.
He tried to jump up on the chair and missed, he landed on his side and whimpered for a good two minutes. Scared him is all.
He wanted down from the chair and I raised my crocheting to let him pass and he jumped his face right into my hand. He has a loose tooth, so I know that really hurt.
He was doing circles in front of the door (The "let me out" dance), I go to open the door and Stitch rushes over and pushes Taco into the moving door. Hurt his right front foot.
I'm sure if he could, he would file "elder doggie abuse" on me! Really an "Off" day!
Today..he acts like he is going to try to sleep through this day. No chance of getting hurt while your sleeping, unless the cat pounces on him! Poor old man!
I know most of yall are still being pounded by rain or snow and most think I am pretty lucky to be in Texas and to be getting spring already. For the most part I would agree, but believe me we are already hitting some problems.
For the last few days it has been gloomy and chilly outside, like it really wanted to rain. Heck it did rain all around us, but here at my house..Nothing. AND yet the grass keeps growing!!
The temps are already starting to climb back up and the fan in the livingroom decided to die and the AC in my bedroom isn't working right. One thing I have learned here in Texas, there is NO happy medium! Okay maybe there is but it only lasts about a week! It's either hot or cold, in a drought or flooded...warm with light showers is a rarity to be treasured. I want some of that!
I forgot to post my last project in crocheting.

It's really hard to tell, but there is a large heart in the center of the bed. I made this for my bf's birthday.
I am currently working on a blanket for my dad, I'm about halfway finished with it.
If you will notice there is a donation button for paypal over on the side panel, it is for a camera fund. I was talked into putting it up there, by a few folks. It's not that I don't already love the cameras I do have, they are both great in thier own ways. It would just be nice if all those features where in just one camera. Soo, I have been drooling over this camera for some time and of course the price of it is soo far out of my range it's pathetic.

Yeah, it sure is purty! I have it on my Christmas list, but the hubs hardly ever pays attention to the list, if he looks at it at all. He is NOT a shopper! LOL!
Sooo, I thought I would give the button a gander, we'll see.
I guess I ought to give yall a little update on some past posts.
Mom and dad didn't kill each other, they stopped talking for a day and now they are both back to normal with some extra umph and gusto at working out
some of the issues.
I appreciate all of yall's help with the address labels and placed my order last night. #3 will be "mine" and #10 will be "ours". Between friends, family and awesome bloggers those are the ones with the most votes.