Monday, November 30, 2009

Gluttons Anonymous

I feel like I should belong to the Gluttons Anonymous group.

As I mentioned, my fridge is overflowing with delicious leftovers. Hubby and I have done nothing but sit around for 3 days stuffing our faces. Pumpkin pie, apple pie, cookies, chips and dip, turkey sandwiches and for dinner a full plate of Thanksgiving.

I feel like Templeton from Charlotte's Web!
I am over stuffed to the point that my tummy hurts..badly!

My mind even wandered enough to think about going for a walk, just to try to burn off some of the calories I have gluttoned. Now, that is hitting close to perverse, to be in that bad of condition, to have those kind of thoughts!

Sadly, I think it going to have to happen. If I must, the dogs are going with me! Will not suffer the exercise alone.

I have decided that tomorrow, I will be throwing away all leftovers except for the turkey. All junk and sweets must be gone from this house! I have no will against their incessant whispering in my ear.

I hate to throw away perfectly good food, but I don't think my tummy can handle much more, nor what used to be my waistline.

Is it possible to gain 20 pounds in 3 days? Sure does feel like it! I would get out the scales to check, but I'm totally Turkey!


Maureen@IslandRoar said... [Reply to comment]

Yes, I know how you feel! Turkey sandwiches last night; turkey soup tonight...
And Pie!

Spot said... [Reply to comment]

I've eaten a turkey sandwich for every meal since Thursday. I'm pretty good at staying away from the sweets. One piece of those a week and I'm good. But turkey? Impossible to resist. Unless, like me, you finally ran out of bread...*sigh*


mindy@thesuburbanlife said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, man, can I relate! A couple of years back the hubby and I took the kids to see his parents in Virginia for Christmas. We ate so much that week that I was pretty sure we'd be charged for double seats on the plane ride home. In fact, my hubby gained 10 pounds in 6 days. Gluttonous..yes. But so, so good. =)

Menopausal New Mom said... [Reply to comment]

I loved your cartoon today! I think that reflects how a lot of folks are feeling after the weekend. I think I'd wait a week before climbing up on those scales and of course, after a week of healthy eating!

Heather said... [Reply to comment]

Maurren...Yes, I'm so sick of turkey, I think next year it will be ham.

Spot...Out of bread, make soup..LOL

Mindy...LOL, but poor hubby!

Menopausal...Thanks, for some unknown reason that pic was hard to find, but I knew it was the right pic.

Those scales are not going to see the light of day till after the New Year. LOL

Bathwater said... [Reply to comment]

We found the white fudge covered oreos that were missing from our area last year. I bought 5 boxes 4 are gone :(.

Tinkerschnitzel said... [Reply to comment]

That's how I felt Thursday. Know what the bad part was? I was stuffed and I still kept going back for more, just because it was still on the table. I managed to stay awake just long enough to watch the Longhorns v. A&M game, then went to 9:30!

kathryn said... [Reply to comment]

I hear that. I refuse to get on the scale....suffice to say that my loosest jeans are now...not so loose. This does not bode well.

I hate throwing away perfectly good food as well...surely there must be someone who can take it off your hands??

Angelia Sims said... [Reply to comment]

I feel your pain!!! Uggggh. Make it stop. Munch, munch, munch.

Heather said... [Reply to comment]

Bathwater...LOL!! I swear it wasn't me! Although that does sound delicious!

Tinkerschnitzel...Yup, I kept going back for more, too. Silly how we can stuff ourselves!

Kathryn...I'm thinking about asking the neighbors if they want the leftover pies.

Angelia...LOL! If only I knew how!