I thought yall might like to read a little of the next piece of Cassie's story. The first piece was here, second piece here and third piece here
To be warned...This post is not suitable for children.
To be warned...This post is not suitable for children.
Cassie woke to the biggest hangover she had ever had in her life! Her head was pounding, the sunlight was painful, her body felt like it had been drained of it's blood. She was in no condition to leave but she had to. He drove her to the interstate and filled her head with lots of warnings to hopefully help her stay out of trouble. The biggest warning was to not get drunk with strangers, that one she heard and whole heartedly agreed to. He made her feel like he truly cared and that there was hope in this new day.
The best thing Cassie has is the ability to shake things off and look forward, instead of dwelling on the pain. The past 48 hours have been hard and the tears flow wherever she thinks about it, so instead she hears her father's voice telling her to shake it off and put on your happy face. Her parents taught her well how to pretend to be happy. Everywhere they went it was important to make sure that people saw us as a happy family, nothing is wrong. "Unless you are bleeding or dying, you better smile."
So when the big rig pulled over with two men in it, she smiled, "you need a ride, darlin?" They were headed to Arizona, she hopped up into the truck with no fear, just happy to finally be headed in the right direction.
The driver was a tall, muscular, red headed man with freckles, with a friendly smile. Having lots of redheads in her family she was instantly drawn to him, maybe he could be her friend or even her boyfriend. The co driver was of average height, slender with curly brown hair and the more talkative of the two.
The driver was a tall, muscular, red headed man with freckles, with a friendly smile. Having lots of redheads in her family she was instantly drawn to him, maybe he could be her friend or even her boyfriend. The co driver was of average height, slender with curly brown hair and the more talkative of the two.
Leaving Oklahoma behind her was such a relief and the drivers took her mind off of it by talking for hours. She had relaxed, felt safer than she had in days. They reached Arizona by that evening. She had breakfast in Oklahoma and dinner in Arizona. She marveled at that and when they proposed to her to travel along with them, she thought what difference will a few days make, no one knows I'm headed to California anyway.
She trusted them, felt safe with them, they were fun. Their next load was going to Florida. She got a little excited about going to Florida, her grandparents summered there every year. Although she didn't know where exactly in Florida they lived, she thought "maybe I could find them and stay with them, they wouldn't send me back, I'm sure of it."
They reached Florida in the dark, she was having a great time chatting and viewing the towns as they went through each state. They convinced Cassie to stay with them, they were going to Indiana and then right back to Florida again. One more trip wont hurt her plans.
She never saw or felt the change coming.
(This is my story of when I was 15 and what all happened at that time. Cassie is the name I started using as an alias, so no one would be able to know who I was and send me back to my parents. This story doesn't end till I am back with my parents.)