Well folks, I just don't know. Maybe I have hit a slump or maybe I haven't had that much going on lately. Okay that last part is soo wrong. I have been soo busy, I nearly can't think straight. This is a busy I have brought on myself, by the end of the day I just want to vegg out in front of the tv. My poor followers are suffering from my neglect.
I am working on trying to find a balance, it is not easy. I have dove into trying to get my bedroom floor done, before the kids and grand kids get here next month. This requires me to take all my junk and more junk (I'm talking boxes of stuff that I have no place for. A storage shed is needed)out of the room, go through it, weed stuff out and stack it in my kitchen. Just walking around my kitchen to my office is such a maze, it'll make ya dizzy.
Every time I look at the stacks, I sigh and turn away in disgust. The project is soo overwhelming, 60% of the time I don't even want to think about it. These boxes have been in my room for the last two years, cause I knew it was a huge task that I wasn't looking forward to doing. As long as I didn't think about it or have to look at them, everything was hunky dory. I just kept putting it off cause I was waiting for the money for materials to do the floor. Excuses, I know. I could come up with more, but I better stop while I am already digging.
My kitchen bathrooms and living room are always clean, but now you know my dirty little secret. I put things off, if I can hide them from view. LOL!
I thought maybe I could just shove the boxes in hubby's shed. Well..I guess he's as bad as I am, cause I can't even walk into the shed!! He has just as much junk as I do! Although he claims all of his stuff has a purpose, they can all be used at some time or another. Blah blah blah.
Another reason I have been missing in action, is that I have been going out in the evenings (when it is a degree cooler) and walking. On the one day hubby has off, I have been trying to spend with him. You know instead of sitting here in a different room and ignoring him. Okay not ignoring him, but not really being there with him or for him. Not that he complains, I just get conscious of it and feel bad.
On a good day my computer gets too about 20 blogs in 5 hours. Just knowing that and opening my reader, seeing the numbers up in the 50's or even the 70's, makes me sigh and get discouraged. Soo I am back to the same old thing, too much to do and not enough time in the day to do it.
Solution? I don't know if there is one. Sigh.
Overwhelmed, stressed out and way too much on my plate. BLAH! The kids are coming, ALL of them and now my bff is planning to come. The house looks like a storage unit and I am out of ideas, woman power and space. Oh yeah and get up and go! You know I just realized I am putting all these boxes in the wrong place. When I get the wood to do the floor, I'll never be able to get it into the room. SIGH...Bang head on desk!
Why is it the more you have to do, the less you want to do it? AND how do you cut corners to get it all done?
Bless you. I am sending energy.
I don't like that feeling when company is coming and I have an overwhelming amount of things that I want to get done before they get here.
I'm so impressed with the amount of blogging you do. One of my favorite bloggers said he blogs three times a week. I started doing that and it made my life so much easier. Consider having lesser blogging goals at least temporarily?
Personally, I lover when you share things like this because I don't feel like I'm the only one. With traveling, I am way off.
On Oprah they do that thing where they have 4 containers -
keep, sell, give away and trash to quickly go through their stuff.
Whatever you decide, take good care of you. I'm sending good wishes for ease and grace.
I think we put more stress and expectations on ourselves than others do. I have slacked as well. I am tired and at times, stressed and overwhelmed. I am only doing what is manageable and still feeling guilty, and not even touching the real writing projects that need my attention...so I know, somethings gotta give. I have cut way down on the number I read because I'd gotten to where I didn't have a life outside of blogland...back to reality...here I come!!!!
Believe me, you aren't the only one with too must junk/stuff you can't live without. I have 3 closets of boxes that my hubby wants to throw away - he doesn't realize what is in them. Like antiques and momorabilia.
The wood can go through a window, just remember to take the screen out first. Luck on the flooring!!
I have to admit to feeling the same overwhelmness the last few weeks. I have so much to do. Move. Get a new car. A wedding. Then there is the photographs and blogging.
All I can say is just take one thing at time. And don't worry. I think cycles go up and down. Just ride the coaster and have fun.
good morning, it's thursday. you did your post on tues. see the difference. i think we over do and when there's too much we get "on hold, on hold, on hold". it amazes me that some bloggers can do a post or several every day. do they ever leave the computer? i can't and won't do that. there is another part of my life, family and friends. from the start, i decided 3 posts a week were great for me. i can't respond to all posts but will try and also do the best following other blogs. i would rather have less blog followers and blogs i follow to have a better connection. sugg set up a no. of days you are comfortable to post,allow yourself a time of the day and be flexible. i decided to spring clean now, this has been a pain in the butt. as a result, less computer time. i have co. comming at the end of month. still have more to do. i plan to do 1 room per day. i have now to 3 rooms to finish, i had a total of 9 plus this monster long hallway. it. will be done. hope any of this helps, sorry comment is long, but felt the need to share. have a good day. rose
Everyone already said what I was thinking so just hang in there! My suggestion is to just mark all blogs as read when you are ready to start reading/commenting again and just start fresh. Sometimes the numbers are just overwhelming!
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