I would like to thank Maureen for recognizing my efforts to keep this blog at least a little bit interesting.
I would also like to thank all of my readers for being so supportive and not thinking or telling me that I am boring and for voicing their responses. I in turn do my best to answer all comments. Something I learned from watching others with their own blogs, thank you for teaching me blog etiquette.
What I am supposed to do is write 7-10 facts about me, then pass the "Kreativ Blogger" award on to other bloggers I like.
So here we go...
1) I have 3 Chihuahua's and 2 cats, they and hubby are my world.
2)I am a klutz, I can trip up the stairs just as easily as tripping down them. I can even trip myself with my own feet! I bump into things all the time. I can look down at my legs and count 3 bruises on my calves, but those are tiny. I have done worse! I once got a super sized one by walking into the leg of a bed frame that was leaning up against the wall on moving day.
3) I have recurring nightmares. Example:
I was napping today and had a familiar nightmare or napmare. The plot: I was at a old friends house visiting and had my dogs with me. Upon leaving after dark, one of my dogs run out the door. I'm yelling and running only to get to the door and see my dog being maulled by a wild dog. I of course wake up from the horror.
The people some times change and the location are never the same, but the plot remaims unchanged. That was just one example, there are more plots that do this to me.
4) Some of you may know this already: I was a runaway teenager. I am of course not proud of this, but it did teach me a lot of things I would never have learnt otherwise..like..
Some men can be nice just for the sake of being nice and not want someting in return.
That my family really did care about me and not just want me around for the sake of being a babysitter and maid.
That my Aunt was the coolest woman in my life at the time.
5) I have made a number of friends here that most all want to write or have written a book. I feel so out of place. I probably make all English teachers cringe! Due to my youthful lack of interest in school, I regret that now.
6) My mom and I have become real good friends. That didn't happen over night! It took a lot of drunken nights of calling her and proceeding to lay all the blame on her, for EVERYTHING! We finally came to a truce about 7 years ago and we have gotten closer than ever, ever since.
7) I am the "go to" person in my crazy family. I get phone calls from all in the family, either just to yak or to vent about someone else in the family. It is a very difficult task to try to keep the peace, but it's my job and I give it my best.
8) It drives me INSANE to hear the news people saying: "Americans are holding on to their money, instead of spending it". I would like to know where I am holding it, both of my hands are empty! Maybe I just forgot where I hide the hundreds or even thousands of dollars I've been holding onto. Would make a great presant to find IT!! If I had IT, I would definately spend IT!!
That is about it for now.
Now to pass this on to other worthy winners:
Kristin A new find. She's just come back to blogging, so far her posts have been good reads.
Life in the slow lane Another new find. Her writing is interesting.
The suburban Life Another new find. Very funny!
Lulu A newcomer. Her post are funny, interseting and well written. I think. Althought she is super sick right now, I'm sure she will continue to keep posting.
Spot, does this count as a "Spread the word Thursday"? I should be good for a month right? "No"...well I had to give it a shot!
Yes Heather, this is definately a "Spread the Word" Thursday post! I'm still working on the button thingy!
You know, I absolutely love these posts where people let us know things about them. I really like getting to know the "inner workings" so to speak of the people I meet in the blogosphere. And of course, yours are no exception. I am also a supreme klutz with bruises for evidence. I also have no hidden money. And I would also spend it if I did!! I am the go to person for my friends. And well, even people I barely know sometimes. But I rarely have nightmares. Which is odd, considering I write horror fiction, huh? And when I do or someone else in the family does...you can bet I write it down for future use! Lol.
Oh, and Lulu thanks you excessively. She will be posting again as soon as she's able. She's really miffed she didn't bring her laptop so she could blog from the couch. That's my girl!
Heather - Thanks SO much for the award!! I really appeciate that you gave me a "shout out". I'll start working on my 7 things ASAP. My husband tells me I have an "intricate personality" (his way of telling me I'm a lot more complicated than he thought I was when he proposed). There's a lot going on inside this frizzy blonde head.
BTW - I have a recurring "napmare" too! It involves a giant spinning top...I'll stop there, I don't want to suck you in. I should probably stop napping...nah.
Anyway, thanks again!!!
Spot...I agree with you on liking these info grabbers. Although the more you do them the harder it is to not repeat the info, at least for me it is. Too neat to see we have so much in common.
Maybe because you write horror fiction, your dreams are not scary to you. I bet you dreams would scare the bejebbers out of me!
Tell Lulu, she is so welcome and there is no rush to post, health comes first!
Mindy...Your Welcome! I'm sure your 7 things will bring out a laugh in me. The posts of yours that I have read have each made me laugh.
Very talented writer, I love to laugh!
Congrats Heather; can't wait to check out your blog suggestions!
I too am a terrible clutz. And wow, you, like me, have a lot of pets!
Isn't it nice you can be close to your mom now after all the angst it sounds like you 2 went thru. Gives me great hope for my girls.
Maureen..Again, Thank you! I hope you found at least one that you liked.
Yup, my pups rule the house and the cats hate each other. Interesting times here everyday.
I still find it amazing that we are getting along, we still have our disagreements every now and then but nothing major. I hope you can get as fortunate!
Hi Heather!
I had to come see what award Mindy won. I just love her writing as well.
I found your number #5 interesting. I did not go to college. I cringe at my literary mistakes. I *am* trying to write a novel in 30days but I get distracted so easy, Look! Something shiny! So, I can relate to that, especially. I have a hard time regretting though. I took an Italian conversation class for six weeks this fall. LOVED learning Italian but about DIED being in a classroom.
Nope not for me. :-) Loved your list! Thanks for sharing that and passing some nice awards on to some very deserving bloggers.
Hey Heather!
Great post! It's always so fun to learn more about our fellow bloggers. I'm glad I'm not the only one bumping into things...I can't tell you how many times I bang myself just walking thru a doorway! OUCH!
Congrats to you and all the recipients on the award. Here's to years of happy, wonderful blogging!
Hi, Heather, thanks so much for giving me an award!- such a bright spot in what somehow turned out to be an otherwise stinky day. And I appreciate you spreading the word about my blog. : )
I enjoyed reading your facts about yourself. Somehow it always seems that I find at least a couple of things that I have in common with others. I ran away as a teenager but ended up calling home from a pay-phone at 2 in the morning before anyone even knew I was gone, so I'm not sure that entirely counts as being a "runaway teenager". I also feel intimidated by the fact that there are a multitude of better writers out there. My mom and I have become good friends, but not until after I moved out of the house. And our household was definitely not one of the ones surveyed when they put together the poll on Americans saving! Yikes- completely broke here.
I'm such a newbie, I feel like a dork for asking- now that I've been given an award, what do I do now? Do I post it on my blog and add my own write-up?
Thanks again for the mention!
Angelia...Welcome and Thanks! I get distracted so much, hours later I remember what my first intention was.
Kathryn...Sometimes I find bruises and don't even know how they got there! LOL
Kristin...Your Welcome! I'm glad something brightened your day!
I made the mistake of running away in my hometown, 2 hours later my mom found me and dragged me back. The real running away lasted 5 months and all the way to California.
I left instuctions on you last post.
: ) Ok, thanks again!
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