I had a lovely visit with my mom, sister and her two youngest. It's funny how we need to see each other at least once every month or so to exchange stuff. By time they got here I had a pretty good stack of stuff for them to take and of course they were bring me stuff. I also had to do some checking on mom's computer, turns out all it was..was her impatience! Not a thing wrong with her computer! LOL!
I finished dad's blanket on the 19th and started mom's blanket on the 20th, I'm 3/4ths of the wat finished with her blanket already! Every chance I get I am crocheting.
I am begining to think that I am repetative and quite boring. LOL! If I am not mistaken my last few posts have been about the same things. What can I say..I'm predictable..sorta.
Back to mom's computer..Any of you computer savvy people know how to change the settings on a computer to enlarge everything? My mom's computer was enlarged to the point that everything is soo blown up it looks distorted. I'm talking everything, from the welcome screen, icons, wallpaper..ect. We need to put it back to normal, but can't find the place to change it.
I guess that is all for today, time to get some yard work done.
check "display" and "screen resolution" . hard to tell what happened without actually seeing the computer settings bUt those are places to start. also computers come with a little button called "help" most folks forget to use it!
Blackberries won't be out here for another two months! And I have to fight the critters (especially stupid wild turkeys) to get them.
Currently it's mushroom season and though I haven't been out lately, Mike has picked an absolute ton of them and they are huge this year! I'm already sick of frying them and made him give some away today. Lol.
You are not predictable, you are productive. And that's a good thing!
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