Vacation is over for now and I am much happy to be done with it. It was 10 days of laziness. Laziness is good sometimes but I was sooo ready to get back to our regular routine. Hubby would differ in that opinion, he was whining that it wasn't long enough and went by tooo quickly. Awww, poor baby, now get back to work and outta my hair! Just kidding folks! It was fun and I do love having him around (but only if I can get some work out of him). Okay I'll stop picking on the boy. Maybe!
Sooo, what did we do on our vacation/holiday? Let me just say it was nothing like we had planned for the first half of the year. Plan was to do a triangle of the state of Texas. To do a whole lot of visiting with family and friends throughout the state. We had such lovely plans...sigh. Well life had other plans. Things broke down, extra expenses came up and before we knew it the money we had saved back was gone. Sad.
We instead had a staycation here at the house. Although we did spend a lovely time at his niece's for Thanksgiving. Resigned to the idea of having to stay home, I had visions in my head of all the things we could do at home and possiably get done. I guess I do tend to get carried away with my ideas, cause they didn't match up with hubbies ideas at all! LOL!
Hubbies ideal staycation is to sit around in his chair and be glued to the tv. Syfy all day baby! Sleeping in late with no alarm clock buzzing him awake (yes, I admit that was nice, realllll nice!).
The biggest difference of opinion came about four days into it. I was informed that I was slacking on getting the coffee ready for the next morning. LOL!
Me...that is cause I'm on VACATION!
Hubby...NO I'm on vacation!
Repeat this several times back and forth and we was roaring with laughter!
Needless to say..If he wanted coffee before I got up (which was the whole vacation), then he had to make it himself.
Okay I am cracking myself up (I'm such a mean old lady), lets move on.
Excuse me while I go change out the washer and dryer.
We had our first freeze the other night and stupid me forgot to put my plants up or wrap them. Some survived and some didn't. It wasn't a harsh freeze just right at freezing temps. We had to dig out the heaters for the first time and in response to the artifical heat, my hair now looks like I rubbed a balloon on it. It's not a pretty sight and is driving me insane! Okay fine, it's not a long drive but I am sooo there!
In the crocheting news...
Bf and I pledged 8 scarves for the Special Olympics and have 14 ready to mail.
I am four days away from finishing my brothers 7ft x 7ft blanket.
I have been asked to do a king sized blanket for other brother and his lady's first place together.
Currently waiting on some yarn I ordered to come in, so I can finish the lap blanket for my chair.
@ Kaylen...Wish I could have donated some yarn for your drive, but the expense to ship was too much. Sorry. Glad to hear you got the hooks though.
Looks like I'm going to busy for the rest of winter.
I guess that is all I got for today, talk at cha later.
Yall have a great day!
Happy vacation! I love staycations! I always find plenty to do around the house and we save SO much money!
I think a staycation is the best kind really. And...
"It's not a pretty sight and is driving me insane! Okay fine, it's not a long drive but I am sooo there!"
Totally cracked me up!
I love it when we do a staycation. I also have many projects for hubbym, and he wants to "chillax"...however, one year we did renovate the house, and let's just say that wan an interesting staycation.
Yes I missed you, but your photos kept me company! Staycations are good. I think my life is a staycation now. Not a bad thing!
Sounds like the Staycation worked out well, I am proud to see you back and was just wondering, now that Hubby is not on vacation does he have to make the coffee Ha Ha
Staycations are usually the best kind of vacations. And I'm pretty sure we're already neighbors in Crazyville. :)
Staycations can be so much more relaxing then real vacations. They take less planning and create less stress. They are my husbands favorite.
Glad you enjoyed it, glad you're back!
It always seems like my eyes are bigger than my stomach or something like that when it comes to getting things done on staycation.
I totally agree about the coffee. Kudos to you ofr laughing about it.
How wonderful that you made all those scarves. Bless you all.
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