I came across this little meme over at Purplume's Blog and then was lead over to Family of Shorts the creator of this meme. It is all about the journey of trying to shed the muffin top for some skinny jeans. Now skinny jeans aren't really my goal, but getting rid of the muffin top would truly be welcomed.
From what I can tell this is not a weight loss program but more a support group for the journey.
Shortmama gives out a subject to write about or fun thing to participate in.
This week she gave a link to a cool site to create a collage of clothes. I had fun doing it. www.polyvore.com the registration is free.
The topic this week is: we talk about and show how we would dress differently if we were not overweight.
I thought this was interesting cause I have noticed that my weight does affect my style..ALOT. It is all about comfort on this body! I can't even remember the last time I struggled into a pair of pantyhose or the last time I worn dress shoes. A dress...well lets just say, those are reserved for weddings and funerals and are instantly peeled off ASAP! It is a body issue just as much as a comfort issue. When you have thunder thighs, problems occur and that leads to major discomfort (especially in the Texas heat). There is also the tomboy factor. A clutsy tomboy who looks like she should be on horseback, has no business in a dress nor dress shoes.
BUT oh how I wish I could dress like this and be comfortable enough in my own skin to think that I could pull it off.
Now if you put the long shorts with the floral top, that is about as dressed up as I get now-a-days. I am mostly a jeans, capri's and t-shirt kinda girl.
But a girl can dream of the perfect wardrobe, can't she? You know it is funny, but I think that even dreams can be waaaay out there, cause I am not truly convinced that if I had the bod for those dresses, that I would actually wear them. It's not like I live the lifestyle for such clothing. Some dreams are nice to have even if your not sure they are very practical.
I do parade around in the "House" in similar clothes as the gray top and jean capri's, try NOT to picture it. So sorry for the brain injury!
I think that concludes the embarrassing truth.
BUT look at those clothes, aren't they dreamy!
Try out that website, it truly was fun to create the collage.
Shopping for clothes is not nearly the fun it used to be! I went to get a new swim suit last week...major depression! I think I tried on every single suit in the store and settled for the least damaging...tankini with a skirted bottom....twenty years ago while I was able to wear a bikini I would never have dreamed I'd choose this for a swim suit, my how times (and bodies) change!
@SuziCate You are braver than I! I haven't worn a bathing suit in soo many years, it's not even funny!
That is a an interesting concept on support. :-)
I really LOVE that gray tank!
One good thing about being 80 is I am just content to be in comfortable clothes dressed up being in a little nicer pants and top.
Thanks so much for linking up! The dresses are beautiful!
It's true that our wardrobe dreams can be way out there. I love looking at clothes and really fancy ones. But I have no use for them day to day. I'll keep dreaming tho...
Thanks for the link. Welcome to FMTTSJ.
I went out shopping after this week's post. I brought home a dress that I feel good in. My husband said, I think some of your other dresses flatter you more.
I said you mean the ones I wore when I was thinner? He said yeah. Oh well. He was smart enough to avoid saying I looked fat.
@Angelia Sims I thought so too! Yup that gray tank really stands out.
@Lucy I have become that way too lately, but I still hang on to a little wishful thinking.
@shortmama Your Welcome! Yeah they look soo lovely up there on the pic, but I could taotally make them look bad if I was to try to wear one right now! LOL!
@Maureen@IslandRoar Soo true! Were just a bunch of dreamers! LOL!
@purplume LOL!! Gotta love a man that tries to stay out of trouble!
I have shoes for a life I don't live. When will I wear these?
But I don't care. They are so cool. I like just owning them.
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