I proceeded to roll out the biscuits..hmm. Maybe some flour will help and that wax paper my sil was talking about. Yeah, it's working!
Set them out on the pan...hmm. I can only set 3 out on the pan at one time. Hubby walked in and suggested taking one biscuit for the bottom and one for the top. Sounds good to me.
Scoop in the sloppy joe mix, sprinkle some cheese and top with other biscuit.
Toss in oven...hmm. Well first thing to remember for next time is to seal the biscuits with some water. They are separating.
Bring out of oven...hmm. Maybe next time I should use the glass pan or raise the rack. The bottoms are a little crispy.
Set on plate and serve...hmm. Next time I definitely need to bust it open and let it cool off before serving. The noises we were making cause it was too hot for the mouth was making me laugh.
After dinner was finished... we both decided that there wouldn't be a next time.
It wasn't a thumbs up or a thumbs down, it was average. We do average enough, we are looking for something different.
NOW, hubby says that since that meal wasn't a great success, I need to do a different February meal. YEAH RIGHT, BUSTER! He's lucky I still remembered to do this challenge. :)